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China Jiliang University Celebrated Its 40th Anniversary and Held Forum on Standards-driven High-quality Development

Mar 16, 2019


On October 18, 2018, China Jiliang University celebrated its 40th anniversary and held the Forum on Standards-driven High-quality Development in its Jialiang Assembly Hall.


Zhang Tuqiao, secretary of the CPC Committee of China Jiliang University, hosted this big event, which was attended by many distinguished leaders and guests including Tian Shihong, deputy director of State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) and administrator of Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China (SAC); Cheng Yuechong, vice-governor of the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province; Ma Guangming, vice-chairman of Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference; Pu Changcheng, chairman of Consultant Working Party of International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML), chairman of Chinese Society for Measurement, former vice-administrator of General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China (AQSIQ); Zhang Xiaogang, former president of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO); Zhuang Songlin, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, honorary president of China Jiliang University; Zhou Liwei, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering; Xu Zhilei, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering; Zhang Ze, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Pang Guofang, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering; Wang Lijun, academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences; Yang Huayong, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering; Wang Rui, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering.



Tian Shihong, deputy director-general of State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR) and administrator of Standardization Administration of the People’s Republic of China (SAC) made four suggestions to China Jiliang University (CJLU): first, remain true to the original aspiration, and speed up cultivation of various specific talents; second, firmly stick to undertakings, and positively support high-quality development; third, properly position the university, and strive to enhance its own quality; fourth, carry out open education to build an internationally renowned university with special characteristics. “Reform and opening-up, like a large ship, is roaring ahead, with the scroll of the new era already unveiled. Now, the Chinese nation is on the new journey to her rejuvenation and pushing forward high-quality development. Standardization technically underpins the high-quality development that plays as an indispensable guarantee to the realization of the ‘Two Centenary Goals’”, Tian said. He believes that CJLU will embrace a more brilliant future under the guidance of related ministries and commissions of CPC Central Committee and the State Council, and under the leadership of CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province.


“Today, we have entered the ‘Quality Era’ and it is an era of metrology and of standards”, said Cheng Yuechong, vice governor of The People’s Government of Zhejiang Province. He hoped that China Jiliang University can avail of its 40th anniversary to thoroughly study and carry out the tenor of the speech made by President Xi Jinping at National Education Conference while assuming the new mission of serving high-quality development and achieving the new goal of building a high-level teaching and research university. According to the new requirements of “doing solid work endlessly, achieving new progress at the forefront and standing on the tide fearlessly” expressed by President Xi Jinping to Zhejiang Province, CJLU should orient to socialist education, set fostering morality and cultivating people as the fundamental task, concentrate more energy on connotative development, and push forward distinctive development with a view to constantly improving quality of education and moral cultivation, inexhaustibly transfusing new blood for the construction of strong country of quality and strong province of quality, and contributing more to the strategy of strengthening the province with higher education and promoting the construction of “Two High Levels”.


Universities and scientific research institutions at home and abroad, market regulation (quality and technical supervision) authorities at all levels, partners, alumni associations of various provinces and cities as well as the vast number of alumni have sent congratulatory letters and telegrams to express warm congratulations on the 40th anniversary of China Jiliang University and good wishes for the future development of the university. The congratulatory letter from International Organization for Standardization (ISO) said, “as the initiator of The Belt and Road University Alliance for Standardization Education and Academics, China Jiliang University has been the locomotive for this initiative to collect global best practices in standards education”. In the letter of congratulations, International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM) wishes CJLU “all success in the work to make contributions towards metrology and to sustaining and improving the global quality of life”. In its letter, International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) congratulates CJLU on its great achievements “in promoting and educating the next-generation of experts in Metrology, Standards and Quality”.


“During the past 40 years, we have been holding steadfastly to tradition through reforms and innovating through inheritance from one generation to another”, stressed Song Mingshun, President of CJLU, “The development of CJLU resonates with China’s reform and opening up.” Over the past 40 years, generations of Jiliang people adhere to the motto of “Developing National Economy by Metrology; Improving People’s Livelihood through Measurement” and stay true to the educational philosophy of “Metrology as University’s Cornerstone, Standards as its Code of Conduct, and Quality as its Career Goal” through solid work and dedication. Jiliang people undertake mission of the era with the ambition of focusing on national interest and people’s livelihood, promote scientific and technological innovation with strict code of conduct and rigorous academic attitude, foster morality and cultivate people with fine craftsman spirit, and lead high-quality development of the university with advanced standards. More than 100,000 graduates work in different walks of life at home and abroad, becoming the backbone of national quality cause. Jiliang graduates stand out in the development of equipment in such fields as aerospace, aviation, aircraft carrier, and nuclear energy.

In November, 2018, historical changes will take place in the International System of Units, and Metrology will completely enter the Era of Quantum. “Quantum will redefine the world, and precision will reshape the future of mankind”. President Xi Jinping pointed out that “standards boost innovative development, and standardization leads progress of the era”. According to the Report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, China’s economy has risen to the stage of high-quality development from that of high-speed growth. Metrology and standardization, like the two wheels of a carriage, are driving China’s economy and society to develop steadily and forward on the road of high-quality development. “As China’s only university featuring metrology, standards, quality, inspection and quarantine, we are obligated to shoulder the heavy responsibility of cultivating talents and undertaking scientific research for high-quality development”, said President Song Mingshun.


Zheng Qiang, vice secretary of the CPC Committee of Zhejiang University, delivered a speech on behalf of Zhejiang University. “What is metrology? Metrology is the mother of data. If there is no data, there will be no basis. If there is no basis, there will be no plan. If there is no plan, there will be no goal. If there is no goal, there will be no action. And how can we realize our dream without action? Therefore, in building Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and in boosting social and economic development of Zhejiang Province, we cannot do without metrology, not to mention without China Jiliang University.


Roman Mentlik, vice rector of University of Finance and Administration (VSFS), said that standardization education and research of CJLU has left a deep impression on him at the General Assembly of The Belt and Road University Alliance for Standardization Education and Academics. In June, VSFS and CJLU jointly applied to Hanban for co-building Confucius Institute, and received letters of support from Czech President Zeman and Embassies of both countries. In future, the two universities will make joint efforts to create a Confucius Institute featuring standardization and finance, and launch all-around in-depth exchanges and cooperation.


Liu Yong, senior technical expert of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, chief designer of No. 722 Research Institute, academic leader of Low-Frequency Communication, chief designer of key national defense projects, alumnus of Class 1986 majoring in Electromagnetic Measurement Testing, said that “I feel deeply attached to my Alma Mater. I developed my abilities at CJLU. No matter how many years have passed after graduation, we have never changed our care for CJLU. No matter where we are, we always love our Alma Mater”.



At the Assembly, ISO International Standardization Training Base (Hangzhou) and International Organization of Legal Metrology OIML Training Center (Hangzhou Base) were successfully unveiled. CJLU, as the supporter for strategic cooperation: Memorandum of Understanding - Programme of training to support participation in international standardization by Standards Administration of China, (MOU 2011), signed between ISO/CS and SAC, is taking actions to back up national standardization strategy, push forward the implementation of international standardization talents training plan, and carry out selection and cultivation of international standardization talents with knowledge of specialty, foreign languages and regulations. As the second ISO International Standardization Training Base in the world, it is beneficial for launching further exchanges and cooperation on standardization with other countries, participating actively in developing international standards, and cultivating teams of international standardization talents so as to make them become the direct implementers, participants and promoters of international standardization.


“Today, the ever-changing model of industrial development is driving regional standards to be upgraded to international standards, so we have to focus on government efficiency and sustainable urban development. All countries should realize that lack of standards in industry is one of the major obstacles to development, and great emphasis should be put on standards for emerging industries,” said Zhang Xiaogang, former president of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), in his keynote speech “Development Trend of International Standardization”.


Pang Guofang, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, introduced 4 research segments of “Fifteen Years of Food Safety Standards Research” in his keynote speech. From 1994 to 1998, research on gas chromatography AOAC standards initiated international AOAC standards of Chinese scholars, and promoted development of international trade on brown rice. From 1992 to 2003, research on liquid chromatogram AOAC standards boosted the development of local economy and international trade. From 1997 to 2008, research on low-resolution mass spectrometry AOAC standards helped to settle the international trade dispute of honey export, study 30 testing technical standards and establish quality safety standards system of bee products. Since 2009, modern information detection technique of multi-residue of pesticides has been studied. “Standardization research is an advanced scientific research and a holy mission. We should pursue to be meritorious workers of standardization research rather than to be sinners of history”, Pang said.

During the 40th anniversary celebrations, China Jiliang University held a series of important academic, cultural and alumni activities under the theme of “Heritage, Gathering, Dream-Chasing”, which promoted spirit of CJLU, demonstrated education achievements, experienced academic charm, recalled campus memories, and discussed the development of CJLU together. Over 1,000 alumni from various places reunited at CJLU, recalling good old times with faculties and classmates. Alumni closely connected their personal development with the development of CJLU, repaying CJLU in different ways. During the celebrations, alumni in different fields and 42 alumni associations sent letters and telegrams of congratulations. Alumni associations of Anhui, Fujian, Jiangxi, Inner Mongolia, and Suzhou sent plaques as congratulations on the 40th anniversary of CJLU and the convening of the Forum. Alumni at home and abroad actively supported Alma Mater’s development by generously making donations to CJLU, which showed cohesion of alumni as well as support and love for CJLU.


(Written by Xia Xinxing, Wang Shiyin, Fan Jingsong and Zhao Quyang / Photo by Dai Jie, Yan Qipeng, Shao Miaomiao and Liu Han / Translated by Zhu Tiantian)