On January 9, Clarivate Analytics, a globally authoritative academic evaluation institution, released the latest ESI data. The "Plant and Animal Science" discipline, spearheaded by our College of Life Sciences, has entered the ESI global top 1% rankings for the first time. To date, six disciplines at our university, including Engineering, Chemistry, Materials Science, Environment/Ecology, Agricultural Sciences, and Plant & Animal Science, are ranked in the global top 1% of ESI. The threshold for Engineering reached 2.6‰, while the growth potential of two emerging disciplines, Physics and Computer Science, has risen rapidly.

In recent years, China Jiliang University has implemented a series of multidimensional policy measures to steadily advance discipline development. By enhancing university-school collaboration, guiding faculty to focus on fundamental research, and leveraging comprehensive institutional reforms, the university has optimized performance evaluation systems and supported faculty in publishing high-quality research papers. In 2024, the number of SCI Q1 papers published by the university increased by nearly 90% compared to the previous year.