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The 13th "The Dream Trip in Zhejiang" International Students Chinese Talent Show Held

Dec 19, 2019

The 13th “The Dream Trip in Zhejiang” International Students Chinese Talent Show was held in China Jiliang University on December 13. The Talent Show was jointly organized by Education Department of Zhejiang Province, Press Office of Zhejiang Province, Foreign Affairs Office of Zhejiang Province, Zhejiang Radio & TV Group, and China Jiliang University. It provided a stage for talented international students to show their talents and love for Chinese culture and Zhejiang province. More than 200 international students from 13 universities in Zhejiang province presented wonderful performances as part of the celebrations for the 70th anniversary of the founding of The People’s Republic of China.


There are altogether 11 programs covering singing, dancing, talk shows, and dramas categorized into three chapters. A prize-awarding ceremony of the speech contest of "The Dream Trip in Zhejiang" project was held during the Talent Show. As envoys in people-to-people exchanges, international students presented brilliant performances with Chinese style, leaving deep impression on audiences.

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The Talent Show is part of the series events of "The Dream Trip in Zhejiang" project, which includes a speech contest, a Chinese talent show and a tour to the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City. Through such kind of artistic communication, international students will have more chances to get closer to the Zhejiang society and form a better understanding of Chinese culture as well as the development of Zhejiang province.
