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Vice-Secretary of CJLU CPC Committee Yongjin Xu led a delegation to Australia

Dec 8, 2011

Vice-Secretary of CJLU CPC Committee Yongjin Xu led a six-person delegation to visit Australia from October 2 to October 8. During their stay in Australia, the delegation visited the University of Canberra, the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, the Australia National University and the University of Sydney.       Cooperative agreements of BBA and BIT credit transfer programs between China Jiliang University and the Universtiy of Canberra were signed in Canberra. Vice-Secretary of CJLU CPC Committee Yongjin Xu discussed with Ms. Sharon Bell, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of the University of Canberra about details to implement the signed agreements. After the signing ceremony, the delegalation visited the campus, laboratories, classrooms, the library and students´ flats of UC.