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A student delegation from our school returns from America

Mar 1, 2012

The students of China JiLiang University, who participated in the university’s first social investigation of its kind in Los Angeles, California, completed a 21 day research plan successfully and returned to school. Their social research consisted of seven topics: 1.) the difference in the education system and teaching environment between China and America. 2.) the difference in medical institutions and the medical insurance system between China and America. 3.) the difference in public organization and voluntary service between China and America 4.) the difference in the social welfare system between China and America 5.) an investigation of famous American businesses 6.) an investigation of the family structure and daily life in America 7.) the presentation and promotion of traditional Chinese cultural activities.

After the student delegation arrived, arrangements were made for them to live in six American families to experience their family life and learn about American culture. During this project, all the students did their research under the guidance of the coordinator from Monday to Friday. In the morning, they studied in class and in the afternoon they visited different places. During the classes, the students discussed the establishment and function of the United States government, the American family structure and culture, the function of medical institutions and first aid courses, the American educational system, American public welfare organizations and volunteer organizations, and other topics. In the afternoon, the students investigated the American Museum at Highway 66 and learned about its history and its symbolic significance to the economy and culture of America. They also visited a large public hospital and nonprofit rehabilitation facility, and communicated with medical personnel to get to know the American medical system, including information about various kinds of advanced medical facilities and human services. At the police station of the Hesperia area, officers introduced the process of local police work in the U.S. to the students. At an elementary school, the students asked the principal many questions about the American primary and middle school educational system, and interacted with local elementary school students. They also visited the branch campuses of the University of California in Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, and Berkeley as well as Stanford University. Although they only had a short time to stay, the beautiful environment of American campuses, advanced facilities, and colorful social activities deeply attracted all students of the delegation.

During the trip, the members of the student delegation were heavily involved in their research of the educational and healthcare systems of American society through class discussions, their own experience, visits, and interviews. They continued with further investigation and compared the results with earlier findings from research earlier done in China to fully understand all kinds of differences in the social and cultural aspects between China and America. They obtained a lot of data from first-hand experience, which was not possible to get in classes back in China. The members of the student delegation overcame the differences of climate, food, and living habits and provided a good impression of their high self-reliance, good discipline, and politeness to the local families.

As one of CJLU’s international exchange programs to broaden students' horizons, this research trip to the United States received focus and support from the school leader, the related department and college of CJLU. The success of this research provided precious experience to CJLU to continue to conduct similar international communication activities for students in the future.