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Higher education delegation of CJLU visits Australia and New Zealand

Mar 1, 2012

A higher education delegation from our school consisting of six members went to Australia and New Zealand for ten days to develop higher education study and exchange activities under the lead of the former communist party secretary, Shengde Yao.

During the visit in Australia, the delegation visited the University of Ballarat. The delegation had important communication with the first vice president of the school, Ms. Rowena Coutts. Accompanied by her, the delegation then visited John Yearwood, Bob O 'Shea, Christine Kimonides and Mal Vallace, who are respectively the president of the Science and Information Technology and Engineering College, the first vice president of the Business College, the director of the English Training Center and Humanities College, and the principal of the Technology Zone. Based on the existing cooperation, the delegation and the representatives of the University of Ballarat discussed the project of recruiting students, exchanging teachers and students, academic exchanges, research cooperation, and other issues. Various agreements for cooperation and communication were reached between the two schools. The delegation visited the campus of the University of Ballarat and had their afternoon tea with the representative teachers and students of the Science and Information Technology and Engineering College. During the visit, the delegation paid a visit to doctor Yang Gao, who is a part-time professor of CJLU working at the University of Ballarat.

During the visit in New Zealand, the delegation visited Auckland University of Technology. Auckland University of Technology welcomed the arrival of our delegation by raising the national flag of China, the highest form of respect in China. The delegation had an important talk with Christopher Hawley, the director of the International Development Center, Leo Hitchcock, the project director of the Computer and Mathematical College, Petteri Kaskenpalo, senior lecturer of the Computer and Mathematical College, Marlene Lu, the director of the Chinese Cultural Center, Peilin Yang, the supervisor of the International Department of the Language College. They talked about the cooperation of the training of students, credit swaps, patterns of awarding degrees, teacher exchange, teaching research cooperation issues, and other topics. The delegation visited the Chinese Cultural Center, the computing center and library of the school, and investigated the school facilities and campus environment accompanied with Marlene Lu, who is the director of the Chinese Cultural Center. At the end of that day, the delegation had a Christmas lunch with the representatives of Auckland.

The cooperation and communication space between CJLU and Auckland University of Technology was expanded through this visit and the cooperative relationship of these two schools became much closer.