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Our University Won a First Prize in the Excellent Scientific Research Achievements Awards

Apr 10, 2013

As reported in the “Determination of Excellent Scientific Research Achievement Awards (Science and Technology) in 2012” ([2013] No.1), the Achievements Awards rewarded 293 awards in 2012, which consisted of 108 first prizes (including 43 natural science awards) and 185 second prizes. The paper, “The research of flow mechanism in the complex system of the Micro-nano scale multi-phase and multi-component,” written by our professor Lin Jianzhong and his team cooperating with Zhejiang University and Hong Kong Polytechnic University was rewarded a first prize in natural science awards. This award is not only a new breakthrough for our university, but also a full affirmation of the improvement of our basic research standards.

The Micro-nano scale multi-phase and multi-component flow is a mechanical phenomenon which is widely used in many engineering applications, like material, engineering thermal physics, chemical industry, light industry, machinery, environment technology, so it is very important for engineering applications. After working for more than 10 years, with the help of the National Outstanding Youth Fund, the Natural Science Foundation of China and the Hong Kong Research Maecenas, the project team of “The research of flow mechanism in complex system of Micro-nano scale multi-phase and multi-component” set up some new ways of imitating and researching the numerical value of multi-phase streams. Their work involved taking particulate matter, scale, and component to deeply search the flow mechanism of the system of Micro-nano scale multi-phase and multi-component. They determined the regular pattern of the movements of the cylindrical particle, composition and transportation of the nanometer particle, and the pervasion of multi-phase and multi-component substance. They also developed the flowing theory of Micro-nano scale multi-phase and multi-component. The team was highly praised by Nathan, a famous professor in Australia, Dr. Garcia-Colin, a faculty member of the Third World Academy of Sciences, and Professor Hou from Old Dominion University and many other peer experts all over the world.

Since 2001, this research team has published 194 SCI recorded dissertations (quoted more than 1000 times), 218 EI recorded dissertations, and 3 monographs. The team was invited to publish 2 review papers for “Int J Multiphas Flow,” an authoritative magazine in this field. The team also made reports by special invitation three times. The Natural Science Foundation of China, which commissioned the project, gave an A to this project.