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FICAP-2013 Held in China Jiliang University

Nov 13, 2013

On October 17th, 2013, as one of the main activities to celebrate the 35 anniversary of China Jiliang University (CJLU), the Second Forum on International Collaborative Academic Programs (FICAP-2) was successfully held in the conference room on the first floor of Wen Hall. The Forum was organized by College of Information Engineering, International Exchange and Cooperation Division.

President Jianzhong Lin, Vice President Xiaoping Yu, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission Wang Xiaohua, the representatives from College of Information Engineering, College of Foreign Languages, Education Affairs Division, International Exchange and Cooperation Division attended the forum. Some foreign university representatives who were from Auckland University of Technology (AUT), Vietnam National University of Ho Chi Minh City and Kiel University of Applied Sciences also participated the forum. In addition, representatives from the Atlanta Commerce Chamber of USA and CitiNature Company also joined the conference. The conference was hosted by Professor Zhelei Xia, the President of College of Information Engineering.

In the opening speech, President Lin firstly expressed his congratulations to the successful opening of FICAP-2. On reviewing the process of implementing the joint program between CJLU and AUT, he expressed the great gratitude to both Chinese and foreign faculty in the program for their efforts and hard work. President Lin wished the attendants of FICAP-2 to share their ideas and experiences, and to better the teaching and management system in the joint program. Finally, President Lin introduced CJLU history, specialty distribution and characteristics to foreign guests Mr. Leo Hitchcock, the AUT representative, also delivered an opening speech in which he was fully satisfied at the process of the joint programs and wished this forum a great success.

Four theme reports were made by Mr. Hongkuan Wu from CJLU, Hoang Cuu Long from Vietnam, Peter Sumich from New Zealand and Helmut Dispert from German. Teachers from College of Information Engineering, College of Foreign Language and International Exchange and Cooperation Division also introduced the problems and the solutions in the progress of the program.

The whole conference was hosted in a warm atmosphere and was rich in content. FICAP-2 got the favorable comments from the experts home and abroad at the conference, and realized all expected targets.