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University Delegation Visited Australia and New Zealand

Jan 6, 2015

The delegation of China Jiliang University(CJLU), headed by Jiancheng Hu, the secretary of China Jiliang University Committee of CPC (Communist Party of China), paid a visit to Australia and New Zealand, and stayed there from June 10th, 2014 to June 17th.

In Australia, the delegation visited University of Western Sydney (UWS), and had a conversation with Yi-Chen Lan (the associate vice-president of UWS) and his coworkers. On the meeting, both sides introduced own universities and discipline distributions, expressing the common intention to launch the deep international cooperation in diverse ways. For the joint undergraduate program concerning the major of "Biological Quality and Safety", both sides had extensive discussion focusing on the curricula design, teaching hours, teaching methods, and allocations of teachers and teaching materials. In addition, the cooperation feasibility between teachers and students was thoroughly discussed, including scientific collaboration for teachers, teacher exchange, teacher training, and “2+2” joint educational program for students, etc. The delegation also visited Faculty of Bio-medical and Health Sciences at UWS. During the visit in Australia, they also went to Bond University where they made conversations with John McPartland (the director of International Department) and his coworkers, mainly discussing the cooperation possibility for teacher training, and teacher/student exchange in the fields of business, laws and so on.

In New Zealand, the delegation visited our long-term partner–Auckland University of Technology(AUT) where they met with three vice presidents of AUT—Prof. Nigel Hemmington, Prof. Philip Sallis, and Ms Desna Jury. Both sides were satisfied with the achievements on the exchange and cooperation programs between the two universities, and intended to extend cooperation in the fields such as design, engineering, language and culture, and to deepen the cooperation for the joint educational program of "Computer Science and Technology" major. In the meantime, the delegation discussed with the program representative from AUT on some problems discovered during the implementation of this program, focusing on expense allocation, course adjustment, signing of new program agreement, program submission. Furthermore, the delegation also discussed with Mr. Ron Left(the dean of School of Art and Design at AUT) on the possibility of the joint educational program for the major of “Art & Design”. The delegation met two CJLU teachers studying at AUT and AUT staffs who had visited or worked at CJLU.

Throughout this visit, CJLU has established relationships with UWS, BU in Australia, expanded the reputation, deepened and broadened the cooperation and exchange with AUT, and solved several problems regarding the joint educational program. Therefore this visit has laid a solid foundation for boosting development of CJLU in many aspects such as personnel training and teacher/student exchange.