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School Leader Attended the 38th Conference of ISO

Jul 8, 2016

Invited by secretariat of the international standardization organization (ISO), Professor Song Mingshun as a members of the Chinese government delegation attended the 38th Conference of ISO and gave a theme speech on standardization academic research and professional talent training.

This ISO Conference lasted three days, from 16 to 18 September. There were the group presentations and discussions in two days and the conference speech in one day. Only five speakers other than the the staffs from ISO secretariat were invited to give the speeches, Professor Song Mingshun was of them.

ISO assembly is the supreme authority of the ISO. Only the ISO officials and representatives designated by more than 170 ISO group can participate the ISO conference. The agenda of this conference included ISO annual report, the annual reports from the professional committees, financial running reports, 2015-2020 ISO strategy, personnel appointments and important issue discussions. The conference was chaired by the ISO president.

During the meeting, Professor Song Mingshun had talks with the president of America Standards Institute (ANSI), the chairmen of Standard Bureau from Egypt, Malaysia and Singapore on the standard-related issues. Professor Song Mingshun reported to Mr Zhang Xiaogang, the Chairman of ISO, and Tian Shihong, head of the Chinese delegation and the director of the national standard committee on the standard development.