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China-Foreign Financial Engineering Project Approved

Oct 17, 2015

According to the document cited [2014] no. 1602 from the International Cooperation and Exchange Department of Ministry of Education (MOE), China, the Bachelor Degree Project in Financial Engineering between China Jiliang University and Anglia Ruskin University (ARU), UK, has been approved. The project is the another collaborative program besides the first one with Auckland University of Technology in New Zealand in the major of Computer Science and Technology and it is the first such project in the literature class.

The major of Financial Engineering is still one of the new disciplines. To apply for this project, the International Exchanges and Cooperation Division and the College of Economics and Management investigated the proposals repeatedly and conscientiously. The teachers had made every effort to verify the drafts, to foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses. They tried to combine the school specialties such as measurements, standards and qualities into the discipline characteristics of "mathematical finance and measurements economics". These efforts had brought the best in each other and finally succeeded in the project application.

The project will be starting in 2015 into the plans of the school admissions and will enroll 100 students each year. Upon meeting the requirements of the project program, students will receive the school graduation diploma and degree certificate. If the students have met the requirements of ARU, i.e., to study in the ARU for a year at fourth year and to qualify the courses there, they will get the bachelor's degree from ARU as well.