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Secretary of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee Visited China Jiliang University

Mar 24, 2019

On March 19, Che Jun, secretary of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee, visited China Jiliang University (CJLU) together with Chen Jinbiao, member and secretary-general of Standing Committee of CPC Provincial Committee; Cheng Yuechong, vice-governor of the People’s Government of Zhejiang Province; Wu Weiping, vice secretary-general of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee and director of Political Research Office; Chen Genfang, director of Department of Education of Zhejiang Province, and Wang Wenzi, deputy director of the CPC Zhejiang Provincial Committee Office. The leaders were accompanied by Zhang Tuqiao, secretary of the CPC Committee of CJLU and Song Mingshun, president of CJLU.

Che Jun stressed that CJLU should thoroughly carry out the tenor of the speech made by President Xi Jinping at National Education Conference and the symposium for teachers of ideological and political theory, and strive to meet President Xi’s new expectations for Zhejiang province: develop education as the top priority, constantly deepen education reform, run education in the way that people satisfy, and push forward education modernization as a pioneer.


During the inspection, Che Jun visited Zhejiang Collaborative Innovation Center for Functional Materials and Its Measurement and Detection and laboratories. Professor Xu Shiqing, director of the Center, introduced the scientific research achievements and their transformation. Che Jun pointed out that industry and scientific research achievements promote each other mutually. The development of industry promotes scientific research achievements while the updating of scientific research achievements promotes expansion of industrialization.


Afterwards, Che Jun and the other leaders came to the National University Science Park of China Jiliang University, and talked amicably with directors from companies in the Park. While inspecting incubation of innovation and entrepreneurship projects of teachers and students, Che Jun mentioned that the transformation rate of science and technology should be increased, in order to make projects “go out of the park” earlier and “grow up” sooner. Che Jun said that universities play a great role in the innovative development of Zhejiang province; and he hopes that CJLU will find out the integrating point of its advantages and the development of Zhejiang province, and concentrates on highlighting distinctive features and improving quality and competitiveness.



That afternoon, Che Jun chaired a symposium on education. Teacher representatives from universities and colleges, middle schools, primary schools, and kindergartens and director representatives from departments of education exchange opinions on deepening education reform, building a strong province of higher education, promoting teachers education, strengthening compulsory education, preschool education and vocational education, alleviating burdens on teachers and students, etc. Zhang Tuqiao, secretary of the CPC Committee of CJLU, presented his opinion at the meeting.


Che Jun highly appreciated the achievements of education reforms in Zhejiang province in recent years. He pointed out that nowadays the status and function of education are much more prominent, the reform of education is much deeper, and the expectation of excellent and equal education is much stronger than ever before. Education in Zhejiang province should assume the responsibility of marching on the forefront and standing fearlessly on the tide, deepen reform, and strive to take the lead in achieving overall modernization in various causes of Zhejiang province and achieving high-level education modernization among different provinces and regions in China. The fundamental task of “fostering morality and cultivating people” should be fully implemented, and the effect of “fostering morality and cultivating people” should be the fundamental standard for examining all work in schools. It should be accelerated to establish the all-around development of moral, intellectual, physical, aesthetic and labor education model. The unscientific orientation of education evaluation should be reversed by upholding the belief of education ecology. And the 30 articles to alleviate the burdens of primary and secondary school students should be fully implemented, making the original aspiration and mission of cultivating high-quality talents be back on the track. Education reform should be further carried out in order to make education fairer and more efficient. Great efforts should be made to improve deficiencies in education development, accelerate the building of a strong province of higher education with Zhejiang characteristics, and coordinate to achieve high-quality and balanced compulsory education in urban and rural areas, and develop vocational education in an interconnected way. The social morals of respecting teachers and valuing education should be vigorously carried forward, and the benefits of teachers and their sense of professional honor should be further increased, thus striving to cultivate high-quality teachers coordinated with education modernization.


(Written by Mi Zhuohui / Photo by Dai Jie / Translated by Zhu Tiantian)