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Delegation of China Jiliang University visited the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)

Apr 29, 2019

At the invitation of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), a delegation of China Jiliang University (CJLU) including Song Mingshun, president of CJLU; Wang Jianqi, director of the International Exchange & Cooperation Office and Zheng Suli, deputy dean of College of Economics & Management visited Geneva from April 16 to 20, 2019. This visit aims to promote further cooperation between CJLU and UNECE in such aspects as standardization education and research. Meanwhile, the delegation visited some important international organizations such as World Trade Organization (WTO), International Organization for Standardization (ISO), International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), and International Telecommunication Union (ITU) as well as University of Geneva (UNIGE).

On the morning of April 17, the delegation visited WTO and communicated with Erik Wijkstrom, counselor of Trade and Environment Division of WTO. Erik Wijkstrom appreciated the characteristics and achievements of CJLU and welcomed teachers and students of CJLU to actively participate in research and communication activities related to WTO. He also hoped to carry out cooperative research and jointly hold relative conferences with CJLU in future.


On the afternoon of April 17, the delegation visited ISO, and met with Belinda Cleeland, head of Research and Innovation of ISO. The two sides discussed some basic global issues of standardization, especially needs for standardization of emerging industries. President Song Mingshun stated that there are many cases in China worthy of study in such areas as agriculture standardization and service standardization, which may be studied jointly by the two sides. Afterwards, the delegation discussed the plan and implementation of ISO-SAC training program in 2019 with Sari Rajakoski, head of Planning & Operations Capacity Building of ISO. Sari Rajakoski appreciated the contributions of CJLU in undertaking ISO training programs for secretaries, chairs and conveners, and introduced new direction and ideas for future ISO training programs, hoping to continue close cooperation with CJLU.


On the afternoon of April 17, the delegation also visited University of Geneva (UNIGE). The delegation discussed the possibility of initiating a joint postgraduate program with Professor Daniele Gerundino, head of postgraduate program for standardization. Afterwards, the delegation briefly communicated with Professor Marcelo Olarreage, dean of School of Economics and Management of UNIGE.


On the morning of April 18, the delegation visited IEC Headquarters and had an in-depth communication with Guy Muller, Publishing and Quality Control manager of IEC, and Guilaine Fournet, head of Sales and Business Development of IEC. Both sides expressed willingness to carry out in-depth cooperation on standardization education and research.


Near the noon of April 18, the delegation visited UNECE and communicated with Nicola Koch, head of Cabinet and secretary of the Commission of UNECE and Lorenza Jachia, secretary of UNECE Focal Point for DRR, Working Party on Regulatory Cooperation and Standardization Policies. Nicola Koch welcomed the visiting delegation of CJLU, and appreciated the achievements of CJLU on standardization education and research. She hoped that the two sides will jointly strengthen efforts in standardization, research, database building, and talent cultivation under the previous cooperation framework. President Song Mingshun stated that CJLU will collaborate with the United Nations (UN) to do well in standardization education and research. The two sides proposed holding the international conference of “Standardization and Sustainable Development” in December 2019 so as to give full play to standards in sustainable development.


On the afternoon of April 18, the delegation visited ITU Headquarters and communicated with Bilel Jamoussi, chief of Study Groups Department of ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau and Emile Armour-Heselton, membership officer of Telecommunication Standardization Policy Department of ITU Telecommunication Standardization Bureau. Bilel Jamoussi expected CJLU to join ITU as an academia member. President Song Mingshun stated that CJLU welcomes ITU to establish a training base and conference base on campus in order to promote the bilateral cooperation. Afterwards, the delegation visited Xie Feibo, special advisor of Office of the Secretary-General of ITU.