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Memorandum of Understanding for Reference Materials Construction Signed Between China Jiliang University and China Association for Standardization

Apr 28, 2019

On April 19, the signing ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding for Reference Materials Construction between China Jiliang University (CJLU) and China Association for Standardization (CAS) was held in Wenting Hall. The ceremony was attended by Chen Hongjun, deputy director general of Department of Standards Technology Management of State Administration for Market Regulation (SAMR); Sun Hua, director of Food Consumption Office of Department of Standards Technology Management of SAMR; Gao Jianzhong, secretary general of CAS; Zhang Xiuchun, deputy secretary general of CAS; Yu Xiaoping, vice president of CJLU, and directors and teacher representatives from Office of Academic Affairs, Office of External Liaison, College of Materials Science and Engineering, College of Quality and Safety Engineering, College of Life Sciences, College of Standardization, and College of Continuing Education of CJLU.


Yu Xiaoping warmly welcomed the visiting delegation led by Chen Hongjun. He pointed out that the signing of the MoU for Reference Materials Construction between CJLU and CAS will play a positive role in giving full play of characteristics of both sides and further promoting standardization development of China. He stressed that CJLU highly values the cooperation with CAS and will actively carry out the cooperation in order to push the bilateral cooperation to a new level.


Chen Hongjun stated that with a good foundation for cooperation between CJLU and CAS, the signing of the MoU will connect the two sides more closely. He pointed out that Department of Standards Technology Management of SAMR will focus on six aspects including revising the regulations on reference materials management and strengthening experts team construction in 2019. It is hoped that the two sides will seize this opportunity to carry out further cooperation in more areas so as to create fruitful achievements.


Yu Xiaoping and Gao Jianzhong signed the MoU for Reference Materials Construction on behalf of CJLU and CAS in the presence of the leaders from both sides and the attendees. Afterwards, the two sides communicated with each other on the main contents of cooperation.


(Written by Yang Lin / Photo by Dai Jie / Translated by Zhu Tiantian)