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Preparatory meeting for the formulation of Metrology Development Plan in the New Era held at CJLU

Oct 5, 2019

On September 25, the preparatory meeting for the formulation of Metrology Development Plan in the New Era was held at CJLU. Members of Expert Advisory Committee for National Metrology Strategy attended the meeting, including Pu Changcheng, former chairman of APLMF and former deputy director-general of General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People’s Republic of China (AQSIQ); Tan Jiubin, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and director of Center for Precision Engineering of Harbin Institute of Technology; Ye Shenghua, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and professor of School of Precision Instruments & Opto-Electronics Engineering of Tianjin University; Li Tianchu, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering and principal researcher of China National Institute of Metrology; Liu Zhaobin, chairman of China Association for Quality Promotion and former chief engineer of AQSIQ; Song Mingshun, president of CJLU; and Ouyang Zheng, deputy dean of School of Mechanical Engineering (head of Department of Precision Instrument) of Tsinghua University. Zhang Tuqiao, secretary of the CPC committee of CJLU and Jin Shangzhong, vice president of CJLU, also attended the meeting. Xie Jun, director-general of Department of Metrology of State Administration for Market Regulation of the People’s Republic of China (SAMR) hosted the meeting.


Zhang Tuqiao delivered a welcome speech and introduced CJLU development history, campus construction, disciplines construction and talents cultivation. Representatives from Institute of Industrial Economics of CASS, Institute of Market and Price of National Development and Reform Commission and Department of Metrology of SAMR respectively introduced the general aspects of the evaluation situation, formulation experience and formulation framework of the plan. Members of Expert Advisory Committee for National Metrology Strategy present at the meeting made speeches. Attendees discussed the formulation of metrology development plan freely.




Experts from Institute of Market and Price of National Development and Reform Commission, Institute of Industrial Economics of CASS, Center for Development Research of SAMR, Chinese Society for Measurement, China Metrology Association, China National Institute of Metrology, and relevant officials in charge from the Department of Metrology of SAMRalso attended the meeting.

In May this year, the secretariat of Expert Advisory Committee for National Metrology Strategy was established at CJLU. In future, CJLU will actively fulfill duties of the secretariat and accomplish the work assigned by the Advisory Committee and Department of Metrology of SAMR.

(Written by Mi Zhuohui / Photo by Wu Wenfei/ Translated by Zhu Tiantian)