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ISO News: QR Traffic Light to Help Stop COVID-19

May 27, 2020

Under the supervision of Professor Song Mingshun (Chair of ISO/TC 3211), a team at China Jiliang University2 has developed a health code using smartphone-based technology. It makes use of QR codes to identify those at risk of spreading infection who should be isolated, and those who can move freely.

With the support of the Alibaba group, Hangzhou drew on its experience of areas such as the digital economy as well as its accumulated practice of ‘City Brain’ construction, applying big data to the field of epidemic prevention and control.

The result is a new “health code standard”, Guide to the management and service of Hangzhou health code — DB 3301/T 0305-2020. By combining big data, mobile communication technology and internet technology to conduct risk classification, QR codes are generated and assigned to individuals based on their health status under specific circumstances.

The news was reported by Barnaby Lewis on

Please click the following link for details:


1. The ISO technical committee for transaction assurance in E-commerce.

2. The team that developed the health code was led by Professor Song Mingshun and comprised Huang Lefu, Wang Jianqi and Yu Xiao, as well as experts from Hangzhou Municipal Health Commission, Hangzhou Municipal Administration of Data Resources, Hangzhou Municipal Administration for Market Regulation, and Alibaba group, and was funded by the Major Project of the National Social Science Fund of China (No.18ZDA070).