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Parallel Session V of the 4th China Quality Conference Successfully Held

Sep 28, 2021

On the afternoon of September 16, Parallel Session V of the 4th China Quality Conference was held at Hangzhou International Expo Center. This Session is jointly held by Zhejiang Provincial Administration for Market Regulation, China Jiliang University, and China National Institute of Standardization. Experts and scholars in the field of service quality gathered at Hangzhou. They exchanged advanced experience and innovative achievements of quality management, pooled wisdom and built consensus, focusing on the theme of “Improvement of Service Quality and Development of modern Service Sector”, and empowering the high-quality development of modern service sector.


The Session was attended by over 100 participants, including leaders from State Administration for Market Regulation, Zhejiang Provincial Administration for Market Regulation, Jiangsu Provincial Administration for Market Regulation, Administration for Market Regulation of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, and leaders from administrations for market regulation in other provinces and municipalities, leaders from Suzhou Provincial People’s Government, business representatives, university representatives, and experts and scholars from ISO Technical Committee for Excellence in Service (ISO/TC 312) and countries such as Indonesia and Belgium. The Session was chaired by Song Mingshun, president of China Jiliang University.


Matthias Gouthier, chair of ISO/TC 312; Jiang Changyun, deputy director and research fellow of Institute of Industrial and Technical Economy, National Development and Reform Commission; Jochen Goller, president & CEO of BMW Group Region China; Yang Zhiping, vice mayor of Suzhou Municipal People’s Government; Sven Rau, senior vice president of IKEA (China); Gao Wentian, secretary-general of National Standardization Technical Committee on Property Services (SAC/TC560); Lu Chung-Mau, director of University of Hong Kong-Shenzhen Hospital and chief of division of Liver Transplantation, HKU/Queen Mary Hospital; Du Yujian, vice president of Guangzhou Guangzhilv International Travel Service Co. Ltd; Bomer Pasaribu, head of the National Productivity Institute; Budihartono, Indonesia Advisory Board Member of IQPMA; Xu Zhong, principal of Jiangsu Haimen Secondary Professional School; Ronald Rousseau, metrology expert and professor at KU Leuven and University of Antwerp, Belgium; Cao Lili, director of Institute of Service Standardization, China National Institute of Standardization delivered keynote speeches.


The development of the service sector should be innovation-driven and guided by meeting people's aspirations for a better life, and always highlights the systematic, integrated and coordinated nature of the new development philosophy, said Jiang Changyun, deputy director and research fellow of Institute of Industrial and Technical Economy, National Development and Reform Commission. He also pointed out that the tertiary industry (service industry) has become the leading industry in China's development. Promoting the high-quality and efficient development of modern service industry contributes to building China into a country of high-quality.


Yang Zhiping, vice mayor of Suzhou Municipal People’s Government introduced the innovative practice of “off-line refunding with no reason” in order to build Suzhou into an international consumption center. He pointed out that the policy has made positive progress in consumption development, boosted consumer confidence, innovated the mode of protecting customers’ rights, and promoted the development of the real economy.


“The development of enterprises must be closely integrated with the needs of the country and the reality”, Goller, president & CEO of BMW Group Region China said. During the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-25), BMW Group will always adhere to the “open, innovative and green” development concept, and fully support the realization of "carbon peak" and “carbon neutrality” goals, with the development goal of creating environmentally friendly and green products.


Guided by information economy and driven by high-end service industry, Hangzhou has gradually become a “service-oriented” city. As the tertiary industry, the service industry is an important symbol of a country’s modernization and an important way to meet “the people’s growing needs for a better life”. How to improve service quality and develop modern service sector is the focus of the whole society. The emergence of new technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence and digital economy brings many new issues for the improvement of service quality. Song Mingshun, president of China Jiliang University, said that the conference provided people working on quality with new ideas and new methods for solving the new issues of service quality improvement. “The construction of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is of high-quality development, which requires us to stand at the front, making contributions to the country's development and the scheduled realization of the Two Centenary Goals,” he said.

During the conference, participants discussed and exchanged ideas on service concepts, service quality and efficiency, service standards, etc., and reached consensus, laying a solid theoretical foundation for the modernization of the service sector.





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