Standardization Engineering Program for 2021 International Undergraduates

Mar 13, 2023

I. Education objectives

This program is aimed to provide talents with inter-disciplinary knowledge, who are equipped in Standardization Engineering and Systems Management and are of applying capacities in a certain province concerning standardization; and who are well qualified, with relevant engineering technicians, to draft and revise standards, to establish standardization systems, and to design and develop, organize and carry out the projects concerning standardization and the management thereof in such process, for enterprises and institutions at all levels, government bureaus and social bodies etc.

II. Education standard

(I) Required basic qualities

Students should:

1. be of diligence and rigorous scholarship; and be of good moral character, public morality and professional ethics;

2. be of good humanistic accomplishment, strong modern consciousness and high professional quality and be equipped with certain mindsets and basic skills for Standardization Engineering; and

(II) Required knowledge

Students should:

1. attain solid knowledge for natural sciences, humanities and social sciences;

2. master basic Chinese communicating skills; and

3. be well-grounded in Management and Standardization and be acquainted with the forefronts of Standardization and Engineering Management both at home and abroad.

(III) Required capacities

Students should:

1. develop good habits for study and be of good learning capacity;

2. have capacities for online data retrieval;

3. be problem-solving-oriented by integrating theories of System Science, Management and Standardization, id est— capacities required are as follows:

(1) of standardization systems establishment concerning products, engineering, service etc.;

(2) of formulating usual criteria and drafting standards documents;

(3) of supervising the implementation of standards and certifying systems of quality management; and

(4) of processing, analyzing and evaluating data of quality test.


4. be of team spirit and be able to communicate in the international arena.

III. Core branch of learning

Industrial Engineering

IV. Main courses

Principles of Management, Economics, Principles of Standardization, Standardization Technology , Applied Statistics,  Standardization System and Certification,  International Standardization.

V. Length of schooling, minimum credits for graduation & degree awarded

(I) Length of schooling

Generally 4 years. Students may finish their studies in 3~6 years as required by China Jiliang University.
Instruction language: English.

Chinese language requirement: HSK level 4 or equivalent.

(II) Minimum credits for graduation

125.5 credits.

(III) Degree awarded

Bachelor of Management.