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The Regulations of China Jiliang University Scholarship for International Students (Provisional)

Jul 8, 2016

Section 1 General Provisions

Article 1 In order to attract more outstanding international students to China Jiliang University (CJLU), create a more favorable international campus culture atmosphere, and constantly improve the international visibility of our university, CJLU has set up the Scholarship for International Students. The following guidelines have been established to regulate the scholarship.

Section 2 Categories of Applicants for the Scholarship

Article 2 This scholarship is applicable to new international students accepted by CJLU, and those international students who have already been studying at CJLU.

1. Outstanding Degree-seeking Student Scholarship: it is awarded to new degree-seeking international students who are formally accepted and enrolled by CJLU, as well as those degree-seeking international students who have already been studying at CJLU (including postgraduate and undergraduate students).

2. Outstanding Non-Degree Student Scholarship: it is awarded to these international students who are formally accepted and have taken further study or Chinese language program for 1 year or more at CJLU.

3. Individual Scholarship: It is awarded to those international students who registered and studied at least 1 year at CJLU with an outstanding performance in some aspects. This scholarship is divided into the following categories:

1) Diligence Award: To reward the students who have outstanding achievements in study and high attendance rates;

2) Progress Award: To reward the students whose test scores in the second semester of the current academic year are far too better than in the first semester;

3) Activity Award: To reward the students who study at CJLU and vigorously take initiatives to participate in all activities held by CJLU, or assist university departments in organizing such activities in the current academic year;

4) Honor Award: To reward the students who study at CJLU, actively participate in activities held by Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province and evenChina’s government, and win honors for the university in the current academic year.

Section 3 Amount of Award

Article 3 The reward details are listed as follows:





Outstanding Degree-seeking Student Scholarship

Class A



1st Prize: Free annual tuition

2ndPrize: Free half tuition

3rd Prize: Free 1/4 tuition

Class B



1st Prize: Free annual tuition

2ndPrize: Free half tuition

3rd Prize: Free 1/4 tuition


Non-degree Student Scholarship

Class C

Non-degree Students

1st Prize: ¥1000

2ndPrize: ¥600

3rd Prize: ¥300

Individual Scholarship

Diligence Award

All Students


Progress Award


Activity Award


Honor Award

Activity by City: ¥600

Activity by Province: ¥800

Activity by Country: ¥1000

Article 4 Based on the student qualities each year, the CJLU Overseas Student Scholarship Evaluation Group (OSSEG) can determine the amount of award and quota allocation for the above scholarships. If there is few or no student who meets the eligibility criteria, there may be no scholarships awarded.

Section 4 Qualifications for Scholarship

Article 5 Essential Requirement:

1. Accepted by or registered at CJLU;

2. Abiding byChina’s laws and regulations, as well as the rules of CJLU;

3. Neither Chinese Government Scholarship nor Zhejiang Provincial Scholarship for Overseas Students to be granted to applicants.

Article 6 Qualification for Outstanding Degree-seeking Student Scholarship

1. Freshman: The student’s comprehensive achievement in secondary school was outstanding. If the intended major will be taught in Chinese, the required Chinese level on the new HSK for the student is 5 level or above; if the intended major will be taught in English, the student must have achieved one or more of the following scores: IELTS (5.5), TOEFL (80 points), GRE (1400 points) or Cambridge English: Preliminary (Preliminary English Test: PET) 3 level.

2. Other students: The average score in the previous academic year MUST be 75 (percentage) or above; the score in each course MUST be 70 or above, without any make-up exams and restudy; the total credits acquired in each academic year is no less than 20; the average attendance rate is 80% or above, without unexcused absences, lateness or early leave. Students in the last year study cannot apply for the scholarship.

Article 7 Qualifications for Outstanding Non-Degree Students Scholarship

1. The average scores of Chinese courses or the chosen courses in the previous academic year MUST be 80 (percentage) or above;

2. Attendance rate MUST 85% or above, without unexcused absences, lateness or early leave;

3. Applicants must proactively participate in various activities.

Article 8 Qualifications for Individual Scholarship

1. Diligence Award: Applicants must be studious, with the final general scores MUST be 70 (percentage) or above; no make-up exams and restudy; average attendance rates MUST be 75% or above, without unexcused absences, lateness or early leave;

2. Progress Award: Applicants must be assiduous; average test scores of the second semester in the current academic years MUST be 10 points higher than in the first semester, with no make-up exams and restudy; average attendance rates MUST be 75% or above;

3. Activity Award: applicants MUST vigorously take initiatives to participate in all activities held by the university, or assist university departments in organizing such activities in the current academic year, which is highly rated by such departments;

4. Honor Award: applicants MUST proactively participate in activities held by Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province and evenChina’s government, and win big honors for the university.

Section 5 Scholarship Application Procedures

Article 9 Degree-seeking freshmen are allowed to apply for Outstanding Degree-seeking Student Scholarship no later than May 31. CJLU OSSEG will review application documents once every academic year. The winner list will be released by the end of July of each year. The winners shall submit the enrollment confirmation to International Exchange Center within one(1) week after they register at the university. If they fail to register at the university within the time limit, their right to get such scholarship will be waived automatically.

Application Documents include:

1. China Jiliang University Scholarship Application Form.

2. The certificate and transcripts for the highest degree must be notarized by the local notary department. If the applicant is a school student, a certificate of being a student should be given by the school. Non-Chinese and English transcripts must be accompanied by a corresponding notarized Chinese or English translation.

3. 2 Experts letters of recommendation in Chinese or English (for graduate students).

4. HSK Certificate or other Chinese Language Test results should be given if the student will join the Chinese programs.

5. IELTS, TOEFL, GRE or PET certificate (for undergraduate students whose courses will be taught in English).

Article 10 The application for other scholarship is ended in late June of each year. CJLU OSSEG will review application documents once every academic year, and release the winner list by the end of September each year.

Application Documents include:

1. China Jiliang University Scholarship Application Form.

2. The transcripts in previous academic year.

3. Recommendation letters from teachers.

4. Photocopies of award certificates.

5. Proof of outstanding performance in study, charity or sports competitions in previous academic year.

Section 6 Evaluation of Applicants’ Qualifications

Article 11 The qualifications are to be reviewed as follows:

1. The evaluation of applicants’ qualifications shall be in line with the principle of "Fairness, Squareness and Transparence".

2. The head of OSSEG will be CJLU VP who is in charge of foreign affairs. OSSEG will consist of the representatives from International Office, International Exchange Center, Academic Affairs Department, Student Affairs Department, Graduate Department, Financial Department, and Security Department, as well as secretaries-general or deputy secretaries (in charge of student affairs) of general Party branches of related colleges.

3. International Exchange Center will review applicants’ qualifications and their application documents. Then, the Center will submit the name list of qualified candidates and their application documents to OSSEG for discussion.

4. OSSEG will ultimately determine the list scholarship winners. The results will be published in the International Office website. The scholarship will be granted by International Office.

Section 7 Miscellaneous

Article 12 This regulation comes into force upon the date of promulgation.

Article 13 This regulation shall be construed by International Office and International Exchange Center.