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The Chinese Language and Cultural Exchange Program with Canada Regina University Officially Started

May 29, 2012

In the evening of May 4th, China Jiliang University greeted 25 guests from Canada Regina University, including 1 lead teacher and 24 students. They came to our school to participate in the Chinese Language and Cultural Exchange Program for one month, their arrival marked the official start of this program in our school for the first time.

In the morning of May 7th, an opening ceremony and welcome ceremony for this program was held in Conference Room 307, Gezhi Middle Building. 24 students of Regina University, the lead teacher--Wang Li, the Director of the International Division of our school--Wu Hongkuan, the Deputy Director of the Dean's Office--Xu Wenlong, the teacher of the International Exchange Center--Luan Fuyou and leaders or relevant teachers of Foreign Languages College attended the ceremony, which is presided over by the Dean of Foreign Languages College--Guo Lanying. Guo Lanying briefly introduced the development of CJLU and the Foreign Languages College to the guests; Wu Hongkuan addressed a speech of welcome on behalf of the school and described related policies and requirements for international exchange; Xu Wenlong explained the introduction and requirements of students’ credits and results found; Luan Fuyou described the immigration procedures and other related matters for students. The Secretary of the General party branch of Foreign Languages College--Wang Suxia, the deputy Dean of Foreign Languages College--Wang Jianqi and the Director of the Department of international culture communication--Chen Hong gave speeches during the ceremony. They encouraged the students to learn Chinese actively, and wished them a good success.

After the meeting, the secretary of the School Discipline Inspection Commission--Wang Xiaohua and the deputy director of the International Division--Chen Jianguo kindly received the leading teacher Ms. Wang Li, the two sides held a preliminary discussion of further cooperation between the two schools.

In next month, the Foreign Languages College will arrange related courses such as Chinese, Mandarin and Chinese culture for students, and will provide them with a close contact with Chinese culture combined with the cultural inspection in Shaoxing and other palces.

The Chinese Language and Cultural Exchange Program of Canada Regina University is a cooperation between the Foreign Languages College of our school and the International Language Division of Regina University. The students from Regina University will study here for about one month, they will experience and understand the Chinese culture as much as possible from their daily life here, which will ultimately achieve the purposes of the Chinese language and culture exchanges, and international spread and promotion of Chinese culture.