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School Delegation visited Switzerland and Germany

Oct 17, 2015

From 18 to 25 June 2015, an education delegation of China Jiliang University (CJLU) paid a visit to the universities and the international organization for standardization in Switzerland and Germany. The delegation consisted of Lu Jin, the president level inspector, Li Danqing, the dean of College of Standardization, Huang Ligong, vice dean of the College of Life Science, Zili Zhao, director of the International Center, and Qin Laishun, deputy director of Personnel Division. The delegation visited the University of Geneva in Switzerland, the international organization for standardization, Educational Division of China's embassy in Swiss, Dresden Economic and Technological University in Germany.

The delegation first visited the University of Geneva. It is a comprehensive university in Switzerland and the ranks second in scale next to the largest, University of Zurich, in Switzerland. The university has a very close relation with many domestic organizations and international organizations that have set the headquarters in Geneva such as the World Health Organization (WHO), World Trade Organization (WTO), the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), which is also one of the important factors for its success. The University of Geneva established the master program in Standardization, Social Regulation and Sustainable Development under the support and participation of ISO in 2011 and it has been successfully developed graduates.in past two years. One of the delegation's tasks is to establish contact and cooperation. During the visit, the school, Professor Bernard Debarbieux, dean of the College of Social Science, Professor Lucio Baccaro, director of the master degree, and Dr Vittorio Mainetti from the international relations office welcomed the delegation. Both sides exchanged their own school situation, standardized professional training directions, training plans, the curriculum and student employments, and discussed the knowledge reserves and economic security for the students who may study at the university. Both parties also explored the visits between the teachers, the scientific research cooperation, student exchanges and reached common cooperation intention in order to set up a solid base for speeding up the Chinese and foreign Cooperation in the standardization talent cultivation.

Later, the delegation visited ISO and met the director of research,Daniele Gerundino. Both sides discussed the standardization talent cultivation, joint programs, teaching modes, the teacher training, student practices. Both wished to issue the cooperation proposal as soon as possible and to sign the cooperation agreement within the framework of China National Standardization Management Committee and ISO.

During the visit in Swiss, the delegation also visited Educational Division of China's embassy and reported the the purpose of the visit and the progress. The counselor, XiRu, highly praised the work done by the delegation and expressed that the standardization talent is a key element to participate in international competition and that the Ministry of Education take strengthening the relationship with international organizations seriously. The counselor wished that CJLU and international organizations should take more communication and the embassy would give a strong support.

In Germany, the delegation visited Dresden Economic and Technological University and met the president Dr. Ing. Habil. Roland Stenzel, vice president Prof. Dr. Sonntag, dean of College of Economic Management Dr. Gestring. Both sides introduced the school profiles, teaching and research, discipline setting, research focus, entrepreneurship education. Both parties also explored the cooperation fields and the next cooperation framework, and wished to expand and deepen the cooperation on the basis of the current cooperation coverage, especially in the teacher academic exchanges, research cooperation, student summer short-term training. The two sides believed that the two schools would drive the innovation entrepreneurship education cooperation between both universities and would promote young people exchanges and interaction in the city of Hangzhou and Dresden.