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Czech former prime minister visited CJLU

Jun 11, 2019

On June 4, a delegation led by Jiří Paroubek, former prime minister of the Czech Republic and Petr Benda, former Czech congressman and former prime minister adviser visited China Jiliang University (CJLU). Yu Xiaoping, vice president of CJLU warmly welcomed the guests. Mr. Paroubek delivered a lecture titled Opportunity for Czech Economic Development in the Globalized World in the meeting room of Wen Hall. Vice president Yu Xiaoping hosted the lecture, which was attended by directors and deans from International Exchange and Cooperation Office, College of International Education, College of Economics and Management and College of Life Sciences, as well as representatives of teachers and students.


In the lecture, Mr. Paroubek reviewed the economic development of the Czech Republic from 2005 to 2018, and elaborated on measures adopted to maintain national economic growth and their effects while he was in office. Mr. Paroubek analyzed economic development and social security of the Czech Republic from the perspective of a national leader, which made teachers and students have a better understanding of economy of the Czech Republic and European Union. This lecture broadened horizons of teachers and students and enhanced internationalization of CJLU.


After the lecture, Song Mingshun, president of CJLU met with the delegation and invited Mr. Paroubek to be a guest professor of CJLU and think tank expert of CJLU Research Institute for Central and Eastern Europe. The joining of Professor Paroubek has strengthened the think tank and laid a solid foundation for the development of Zhejiang-Czech Center for People-to-People and Cultural Exchanges and Research Institute for Central and Eastern Europe.
